Underinsurance continues to be a big issue, with a greater proportion of properties are now underinsured and the gap between property rebuild costs and the amount buildings are currently insured for in the UK is widening.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is evolving at a rapid rate, but can humans keep up with the pace? Whilst it may seem to some that advanced AI currently only exists in science fiction, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Whilst AI is certain to be part of the future, it’s very much part of our lives in the present day.
AI defines the ability of a computer to be able to think and learn for itself. It’s currently being used in a wide range of everyday technologies. From virtual personal assistants like Google’s Alexa and iPhone’s Siri, transport with the likes of Tesla, in entertainment from Amazon and Netflix, AI is everywhere.
It’s also being used to monitor cyber-security. It tracks data lots of intricate data about you. This might include login details and passwords, how fast you type, where you log in from and even which hand you use to hold your device. The potential for this is unparalleled. Yet it currently relies heavily on human interaction to correct and teach as it generates a large number of false positives.
AI used for cyber-security is a typical example of Machine Learning (ML). It’s a function of AI which uses algorithms to collect data, learn from it and come up with a conclusion or a prediction based on this information. Corrected where necessary, the machine is trained to collect this data.
However, there’s another level of AI called Deep Learning which has the potential to revolutionise the prospects of the technology. Deep Learning technology doesn’t simply take in data and draw conclusions, but exists in multitudes of interconnected layers. These are embedded with thousands of stimulated neurons, all taking on different levels of information, imitating the workings of the human brain.
This technology was introduced in a hospital with over 700,000 patients to test its capabilities. The computer managed to develop its own algorithms. These algorithms identified a number of patterns between illnesses which remain a mystery to doctors and scientists. It seemed to predict which patients may be at imminent risk of a number of diseases. It even seemed to predict the onset of psychological disorders including schizophrenia.
The machine can then recommend a change of treatment or preventative measures for a person’s susceptibility to illness. However, in this scenario, problems occurred because the machine could not (and currently cannot) provide reasoning. We’re not yet able to take the information from it without sound evidence and rationale. Building the level of trust between man and machine will take a deeper look at the technology.
The future of technology is exciting. But with the developments working towards the benefit of the world, technology is also quickly advancing in the world of cyber-attacks. There’s no guaranteed way to safeguard your IT system, which is where Cyber Insurance can step in.
If you want to find out more about insurance or need help arranging suitable cyber insurance for your business, contact Fiveways Insurance on 01952 812 380.